Please fill below details.

Instructions: Below are 10 statements about you and your life that help us see how you feel you are doing. Please respond to each statement by choosing the response number that best fits how you have generally been over the last seven days (1 Week). There are no right or wrong responses. but it is important that your response reflect how you feel you are doing. Please be sure to respond to each statement.

1. Given my current physical condition, I am satisfied with what I can do.
2. I have confidence in my ability to sustain important relationships.
3. I feel hopeful about my future.
4. I am often interested and excited about things in my life.
5. I am able to have fun.
6. I am generally satisfied with my psychological health.
7. I am able to forgive myself for my failures.
8. My life is progressing according to my expectations.
9. I am able to handle conflicts with others.
10. I have peace of mind